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Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Mohs Micrographic Surgery is the gold standard surgical treatment for skin cancer. This revolutionary treatment provides the highest cure rate, while leaving the smallest scar compared to other surgical treatments. The skin cancer is removed by a board-certified Mohs Micrographic Surgeon one layer at a time. The tissue is frozen and examined under the microscope by the Mohs Surgeon to determine whether cancer is still present on the skin, or if margins are clear. If cancer is still present, the Mohs Surgeon can precisely map where the cancer cells still remain, taking additional tissue only where necessary, sparing healthy skin. This allows the defect from the cancer removal to be as small as possible, creating the smallest scar compared to other surgical options.

Effective Treatment for Skin Cancer

The Mohs Surgeons at Dermatology and Mohs are double Board-Certified in general Dermatology and Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Our surgeons have been treating skin cancer since 2009 and have treated over 30,000 skin cancers. At Dermatology and Mohs, our experts use state of the art equipment to provide our patients the very latest skin cancer treatments. If you are concerned you may have a skin cancer or have been recently diagnosed with a skin cancer, call us today book and appointment for evaluation and treatment.

Benefits of Mohs Surgery

  • Mohs surgery is ideal for high-functioning areas such as hands and feet
  • Does not require extensive surgery prep
  • It is also suitable for cosmetically sensitive areas such as ears, lips, nose, and face
  • Treatment usually takes one day only
  • Has 99% cure rate for cancer (not treated previously)
  • Leaves the smallest possible scar
  • Only small sections of the skin are removed in stages, causing the least damage to the healthy tissue
  • Your surgeon can also examine the skin tissue removed to ensure that existing cancer is removed completely

Dermatology and Mohs Surgery Skin Cancer Center
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM to 5PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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